caitlin's Blog

  • Caitlin Kelleher

    Fresh Eyes

    By Caitlin Kelleher

    At last week's meeting Aarthi presented a big list of things she'd noticed in our current version of Looking Glass that seem less than ideal. One of the things she commented about was the fact that...

  • Caitlin Kelleher

    Computer Science in the World

    By Caitlin Kelleher

    I leave tomorrow for Petersburg, Va - the home of Virginia State University and the hosts of a Kids Technical University. Preparing for this talk brought me back to a question that I've thought a...

  • Caitlin Kelleher

    Kids Technical University Debrief

    By Caitlin Kelleher

    I had the pleasure and honor of spending last Saturday at Virginia State University's Kids Technical University giving a talk on Computer Sciencein the World to a fun group of kids. I am pleased to...

  • Caitlin Kelleher

    Getting Started Mockup

    By Caitlin Kelleher Apparently links and images are broken at the moment, so my apologies for the raw text link. But I took a pass at how a getting started...

  • Caitlin Kelleher

    Remix User Testing

    By Caitlin Kelleher

    Today, I managed to get (count them) 1 user to try out remixing at the science center. It seemed plenty hopping, but there were a lot more toddlers to about eight than other kid demographics. That...

  • Caitlin Kelleher

    Dec 21st Release

    By Caitlin Kelleher

    There is a new release of Looking Glass up. The new release includes a big batch of beautiful new models (thanks to the Alice Team Artists!) and some fixes and improvements to our remix...

  • Caitlin Kelleher

    A Community-Infused File Open Perspective and Looking Glass Design Principles

    By Caitlin Kelleher

    One of the themes that has been coming up with some frequency in our recent discussions is the need to tell Looking Glass’s story throughout both the community and the IDE. Following our...

  • Caitlin Kelleher

    Learning through Remixing

    By Caitlin Kelleher

    On Wednesday, we released a new version of Looking Glass which, for the first time, includes support for pre-fab remixes. (I could see that term changing over time but it's the phrase we've been...

  • Caitlin Kelleher

    Rethinking Remix Flow

    By Caitlin Kelleher

    Once upon a time, we expected that the primary use for remixing would be by a user who wanted to capture a remix and use it immediately. I think this case exists, but it's definitely not the only...