Found: the encasing method
- Jan 24, 2013
I began this week by making a todo list for what I need to get done to get badges up and running.
For the immediate future, my task is continue writing code tests for different categories of skills (e.g. ones where I just need to verify that a procedure is called in myFirstMethod or ones where I check if the user has made changes to scene setup). This way, I can notify Aaron of any major fixes we need with the codetest interface before we hook it up to the Community. A couple of the things we’ve already identified is a way to ignore dead code and also a space for variables. (This way, I can just switch out the procedure names for similar skills without rewriting the test).
In that vein, I was excited to learn about the InternalAPI.getEncasingUserMethod(Abstract Node) method.(Thanks, Aaron for the API documentation). Last semester, I was having difficulty distinguishing between code in Scene Setup vs. Custom Setup vs. myFirstMethod. This nifty line of code lets me do just that - so I was able to successfully write a test for finding given procedures in custom setup.
With this newfound knowledge (and an informative conversation with Dennis about how characters and props are generated), tonight and tomorrow I hope to be able to tackle some scene set up skills.
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