The jaguar shares his plan with the wolf. Then they ask the lioness to help them. At the end, the jaguar and the wolf, each, learn a lesson. Along with that, the lioness gives them a reward.
- Shared on Oct 31, 2014
- 0 Remixes
Marfin, ariaris and cakelover22204 bookmarked this world.
ariaris, wrighjac010, cakelover22204 and 6 more liked this world.
ariaris admired this:
Kool story.
wrighjac010 asked a question:
sad anna started crying will i watchd this show
wrighjac010 asked a question:
wrighjac010 asked a question:
cakelover22204 gave some advice:
You misspelled the word "learned"
Krish226 admired this:
The killing part is weird and funny because the movie had to be G-rated. So I couldn't make the lioness actually kill the buffalo.
caitlin admired this:
This is great! Sorry to hear that it crashed on you. Did you submit any bug reports? We'd love to help try to get it fixed.
Krish226 admired this:
Thanks Aaron. It crashed 15 times and I had to start over every single time. But I finally finished it. It was kinda frustrating but feeling accomplished. :)
aaron admired this:
Awesome world! Great use of remixes & camera movement!
Krish226 remixed mpogran's remix Quadruped Walk into the world A Moral Story.
Krish226 remixed mpogran's remix Quadruped Walk into the world A Moral Story.
Krish226 remixed Krish226's remix Horse before running into the world A Moral Story.
Krish226 shared the world A Moral Story.
Krish226 remixed mpogran's remix Quadruped Walk into the world A Moral Story.
Krish226 remixed mpogran's remix Quadruped Walk into the world A Moral Story.
Krish226 remixed mpogran's remix Quadruped Walk into the world A Moral Story.
Krish226 remixed Krish226's remix Horse before running into the world A Moral Story.