markatch's Blog

  • Mary Chou

    Getting Down to the Details (Week 9)

    By Mary Chou

    At the group meetings, we have been talking about redesigning the navigation and subnavigation bars, such that the profile drop down elements be incorporated into the main bar. I think a group...

  • Mary Chou

    Poster Pandemonium (Week 10)

    By Mary Chou

    Friday we will all be participating in an Undergraduate Research Symposium, thus this was poster week. Each poster is supposed to sum up the research we've done this summer, so mine covers the user...

  • Mary Chou

    Wrapping Up (Week 11)

    By Mary Chou

      This week I got rid of more ".each" statements, which use arrays and slow things down. I turned these into database queries and cleaned up the magic sort code, removing some unnecessary...

  • Mary Chou

    Stepping back into the code (9/10-9/14)

    By Mary Chou

    Last week was busy, with classes getting started and all, and I really only had time to set up the developer environment. We've switched (from using Netbeans and Git Bash) to solely using...

  • Mary Chou

    Week of (9/17-9/21)

    By Mary Chou

    It's been a very weird week, and honestly, I haven't managed to spend very much time working on the community this week. I'm still finishing up the process of moving the code from this summer to...

  • Mary Chou

    Sharing Worlds with Other Users, and More

    By Mary Chou

    Apologies in advance for the length of this... TLDR: Recap of last week plus newer stuff at the bottom. So plans have changed, and I’m not going to be working on the help/mentor stuff with...

  • Mary Chou

    Unfollowing and Database Drafts

    By Mary Chou

    When I moved the summer code over, I moved all of it but deactivated (commented out) some things, such as the partials I made. In order to get the magic sort code ready to be put on the site,...

  • Mary Chou


    By Mary Chou

    I've decided to call the system I'm working on "linking". I think that for every permutation of things I want to connect, "linking" or "sending a link" can be an appropriate description, and that...

  • Mary Chou

    Links in Action (PUNS!)

    By Mary Chou

    For this week, I decided not to focus on figuring out how users will select the item they want to share a link to without having to scroll through a list of every item on the site. Towards the end...

  • Mary Chou

    Displaying Links

    By Mary Chou

    After many failed attempts at changing form inputs' ids, I finally got the link form to send the correct receiver type, albeit via some sketchy string splitting in the controller. So yay for that...